February 6, 2025

Safe Abortion Pills in Dennehof

Safe Abortion Pills Dennehof

What is safe medical abortion ?

We offer safe abortion pills (also called Termination of Pregnancy) for women who are up to 24 weeks pregnant. We know that an unplanned pregnancy can be stressful and that having an abortion raises a lot of questions.

How to ensure proper performance of medical abortion.

First : Take one pills of RU-486 (RU-486) which is  200 mg in quantity. 

Secondly : Wait for one to two days  (24 -48 hours) before using  misoprostol. In a meanwhile, carry on life as normal. Please you should not wait longer than 48 hours before using misoprostol.

Thirdly : Make your mouse wet or moist by swallowing water. Then insert four misoprostol pills under your tongue 

FourthlyHold the pills under your tongue for 30 minutes. During that period do not eat anything. The pills will make your mouth dry and taste chalky as they dissolve in the saliva. 

Lastly: At the end of the  30 minutes, rinse your mouth with water and drink down all that is left of the pills in your mouth.

Why Choose us

We will take a full medical history and may need you to have some tests done to ensure your safety during treatment. If you have serious medical issues, we may suggest it’s safest to have your abortion done in a hospital setting.

Our nurses and doctors are accredited professionals and experts in reproductive healthcare. Our work is strictly governed the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act (amended 2008). More information on abortion pills contact Us

Before medical abortion method

  • Your pregnancy is within the window of our pregnancy calculator
  • You’ve reviewed all our considerations and general advice
  • You have a safety plan in case of emergency

Contact the doctor today for more information about abortion pills

safe abortion clinic

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