Abortion Clinic in Krugersdorp
Abortion clinic. At trust women clinic we offer same day Termination services. Non-surgical abortion (Abortion Pills) which is supposed to stop your pregnancy . Hinder the Pregnancy from growing and vaginal suppositories of Termination Pills which will help expel your pregnancy. With no major complications,No risks for future ability to have children. Get a legal abortion at the Pro  Abortion clinic one of South Africa’s best professional Legal Abortion Clinic. The earlier you are in the pregnancy the less bleeding and cramping you will have to Experience.Â
About our abortion clinic
We are Safe Abortion Clinic that helps ladies securely end their pregnancy.
Therapeutic premature birth is the point at which a pregnancy is ended before it results in the introduction of a youngster.
This should be possible by utilizing Abortion pills. The abortion pill is the most mainstream technique where we utilize two distinct medicines to end a pregnancy: Mifepristone And Misoprostol.
Abortion Pills
Medication abortion — also called the abortion pill —Its a safe and effective way to end an early pregnancy. Â
Abortion pill as always is the common name for using two different medicines to end a pregnancy. We also deliver pills at your convenience.Â
Womb Cleaning Pills
Womb cleaning pills after an abortion to clean & cleanse your womb. Our womb cleaning pills will help your body recover from a miscarriage or pregnancy termination. It could be in Form of Antibiotics. Call for consultation or visit any of our abortions clinics branches for the best women’s abortion services. If you have had more than 1 abortion we recommend you use womb cleaning pills before trying out for another baby or to generally cleanse your womb.Â
In-clinic Abortion.
Abortion is a medical procedure that ends a pregnancy. In-clinic abortion procedures are safe and effective. In-clinic abortions are also called surgical abortions.
Our Abortion Clinic offers two types of safe abortion procedures:
- The Medical Process (often called the safe abortion pill)
- The Procedure (a minor same-day surgical procedure)
How to ensure proper use of abortion pills during medical abortion.
First : Take one pills of RU-486 (RU-486) which is  200 mg in quantity.Â
Secondly : Wait for one to two days (24 -48 hours) before using misoprostol. In a meanwhile, carry on life as normal. Please you should not wait longer than 48 hours before using misoprostol.
Thirdly : Make your mouse wet or moist by swallowing water. Then insert four misoprostol pills under your tongueÂ
Fourthly:Â Hold the pills under your tongue for 30 minutes. During that period do not eat anything. The pills will make your mouth dry and taste chalky as they dissolve in the saliva.Â
Lastly: At the end of the  30 minutes, rinse your mouth with water and drink down all that is left of the pills in your mouth.