February 6, 2025
erectile dysfunction

Treating Erectile Dysfunction

What Is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence, happens when you cannot get or keep an erection of your penis. This causes inadequate sexual satisfaction of both partners. While most male adults have had an erectile dysfunction once in a while, as many as 10 million South African have it regularly. As a result of this , nearly all men who seek treatment for ED find some relief. 

What causes an erectile dysfunction causes ?

For the past, doctors blamed erectile dysfunction on psychological problems or, with the aging among older men in the process. While it becomes harder to get aroused as you age, regular erectile dysfunction deserves medical attention. This means that the problem is not usually psychological.

Urologists believe that physical problems contribute to most long-lasting cases of ED in men over 50 years.

Erectile dysfunction among older men

Penis erections mainly involves the blood vessels. And the main common causes of erectile dysfunction in older men are conditions that block blood flow to the penis. This involves the hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) and diabetes. And another cause is a result of faulty vein that lets blood drain too quickly from the penis. Other disorders and hormonal imbalances and certain operations, may also cause erectile dysfunction.

The blood vessels processes that result to an erection are controlled by your nervous system. Some medications can treat you by interfering with your nerve signals that make an erection happen. They include certain stimulants, sedatives, diureticsantihistamines, and drugs to treat high blood pressurecancer, or depression. You should never stop taking your medication unless your doctor tells you so. Alcoholtobacco, and illegal drug abuse, such as marijuana, may also contribute to erectile dysfunction.

Is erectile dysfunction possible among younger men ?

Among younger men, the main cause of erectile dysfunction is mostly likely to be psychological problems. Poor communication with your sexual partner, and or differences in sexual preferences, can lead to tension and anxiety. The problem can also be linked to things like:

  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Stress
  • Feeling that you’re not good enough
  • Sexual fears
  • Rejection by your parents or peers
  • Childhood sexual abuse

How to treat ED ?

The treatment for your Erectile Dysfunction will depend the cause of it, and also what you and your partner think will work best. Your doctor can help you decide. The treatments include the following:


You should take drugs like sildenafil (Viagra), vardenafil (Levitra, Staxyn) and tadalafil (Cialis, Adcirca) as pills before you have sex. These drugs work by increasing the amount of blood that flow in your penis. This will help you to get an erection once you’re sexually excited.

You can also inject an ED medicine called it alprostadil into your penis. This helps to fill blood in your penis and quickly cause an erection. It is also at times used in combination with other drugs. You may also insert alprostadil into your urethra (the small hole in your penis where urine comes out) as a suppository.

Lifestyle changes.

Most doctors will suggest that you lose weight or start an exercise routine to improve your ED symptoms. They will also recommend you to stop smoking, drinking alcohol, or using marijuana or other drugs.


If stress, depression, or relationship problems contribute to your ED ? Consulting a counselor will help you.

Vacuum device.

This is also called a penis pump, this is a tube that fits over your penis. This includes a pump, which you use to suck air from the tube. This helps to pull blood into your penis to make it erect. You place an elastic ring around the bottom of your penis to keep it erect, and take off the vacuum tube. After sex, you remove the ring to end the erection.


Most of the men will not get surgery for ED. In some cases, doctors will conduct an operation to repair your arteries to boost blood flow to your penis. 

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